Thursday 19 May 2011

Advertising Online

Basic Concepts in SEO

Here are the basic terms you need to know. All others will be explained along the way.

Anchor text
This is simply a text of a link. Let suppose you have a link like that:

<a href="seo-faq-tutorial.htm">The essentials of SEO - a complete guide<a>
The link would be looking as follows:

The text "The essentials of SEO - a complete guide" - is the anchor text in this case. The anchor text is the key parameter in a link building strategy. You should always make sure that the anchor text of a link meets the theme of that page. If your page is about dogs, do not link to it with the "cats" anchor text. Obviously, you cannot control all and every link on the web, but at least you should make all links within your own website have an appropriate anchor text.

Inbound link or Backlink

  Backlink is a link that points to your site. The more you have - the better.For more information you can go for Backlink Tool.

One or more words describing the theme of a website or page. In fact, we should distinguish keyWORDS and keyPHRASES, but in SEO practice they all called keywords. For instance, the keywords for this page are: SEO FAQ, SEO tutorial, etc.

Short-tail and long-tail keywords
Easy one. Short-tail keywords are some general, common words and phrases like "rent a car", "seo", "buy a toy", "personal loan" and so on. Long-tail on the opposite precisely describe a theme: "rent bmw new york", "seo in florida", "buy a plush teddy bear" etc. The more precise a keyword is, the less it is popular, the less people type this exact query in the search box. But! The other side of the coin is: since each query is highly targeted, then once a visitor comes to your website from a search engine query and finds what he is looking for - it is very likely that such visitor will soon become a customer. This part is very important! Long-tail queries are not very popular, but the conversion rate for such queries is much much greater than for short-tail ones.

You may heard this term, but didn't understand what is it. SERP means "Search Engine Result Page". If a user types some query and hit Enter he is redirected then to a SERP. Then he can click one of the results to open that website. Obviously, the results shown in the first positions get much more visitors than the ones from page #2-3 and lower. This is the purpose of SEO, actually: make a website move higher in SERPs.

This is a short description shown by a search engine in the SERP listings. The snippet is often taken from a Meta Description tag, or it can be created by a search engine automatically basing on the content of a page.

Landing page
Landing page is a page opened when a visitor comes to the site clicking to a SERP. Here is an example query:
In this case, the page is a landing page for the "google monitor" query.

Link juice
This funny term means the value that passes from one page to another by means of a link between them. To be precise: the linked page (acceptor) gets a link juice from the linking page (donor). The more link juice flows into a page, the higher it is ranked. Let's imagine a page that is worth $10 - this is the value of that page. If a page has 2 links, each one costs $5 then - that is the amount of link juice passed to the linked page. If the first page has 5 links, then each one only passes $2 of the initial link juice. Here is a simple picture to illustrate this concept:
This means, the more links a Page A has, the less value each linked Page B gains from that Page A. Obviously, the real link juice value is not measured in dollars.
Nofollow links
Nofollow link is a link that a search engine should not follow. To make a link nofollow you need the below code:

<a href="somepage.html" rel="nofollow">Some anchor text</a>

Google does not follow nofollow links and does not transfer the link juice across such links.
Link popularity
This term designates the amount of inbound links pointing to a site. Popular sites have more links. However, the number of inbound links is only a half of a pie.

Keyword stuffing
When you put a long list of keywords in a tag - this is keyword stuffing. For instance, a title tag for this page could look like: <TITLE>SEO guide, SEO FAQ, SEO tutorial, best seo faq, seo techniques, seo strategy guide</TITLE> and so on. This would be the keyword stuffing. Instead, the current title of this page (the one you're reading now) looks quite natural and adequately describes its contents. Do not use the keyword stuffing as a) it does not work; b) it is a bad practice that can hurt your rankings.

robots.txt is a file intended to tell search engine spiders whether or not they are allowed to crawl the content of the site. It is a simple txt file placed in the root folder of your website. Here are some examples:

This one blocks the entire site for GoogleBot:
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /
This one blocks all files withing a single folder except myfile.html for all crawlers:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /folder1/
Allow: /folder1/myfile.html

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